General Anxiety Disorder And Panic Attack Treatment: Are Anxiety Attacks Dangerous Or Even Deadly?

Because I know all too well due to personal experience that I have raised your anxiety level with my title, I am going to give you the answer right now to put your mind at ease, so you can calmly read the rest of the article where I will explain the answer in detail with proof. To the best of my knowledge and from what I have researched,
From what I have come to understand, a panic attack will NOT harm you and you will not die from one! Neither will general anxiety!
A panic attack will not harm you and there have been no reported cases of death directly from the experience of having a panic attack that I am aware of. The exception to this is if you have an underlying medical condition such as a weak heart that wouldn't be able to handle the sensations produced by a panic attack. But with this being the case, you might have trouble with any kind of fear response such as someone scaring you. General anxiety, just like long-term stress, can lead to a variety of illnesses, but the anxiety itself is not directly dangerous to your wellbeing!
Why Panic And Anxiety Will Not Harm You
I just want to mention, these are my opinions that I have formed through my own personal research. My hope is that they give you a different view on panic attacks so they won't frighten you so much when they occur. This will DRAMATICALLY decrease their intensity!
Even though it might not feel like it to the logical and conscious mind at the time, the sub-conscious knows what it is doing, and will NOT give out more than you can handle. The direction of the sub-conscious is life-ward. It will not do ANYTHING to bring you harm. The emotion of fear itself is one of protection! When you are 'fearing' something, you are 'fearing' it will bring you harm! So fear is a way of keeping you from harm. It wouldn't seem logical for a natural response like fear, which is used to keep you safe, would turn around on you and harm you itself!
The Proof
Hold your breath as long as you can! No matter how hard you try, eventually you will have to breathe again. Try never sleeping again! You won't be able to do it. You're sub-conscious mind will take over because it knows it is necessary that you sleep in order for you to survive. The examples are countless. Try to come up with some yourself! You just CAN'T trick the body logically. The is the primary job of the sub-conscious to keep you alive, even if this means overriding your logical thoughts and your will power to resist! This is also why panic attack treatment ideas that work on logic JUST DON'T WORK!
Try This
Next time you're in a panic attack, just TRUST your sub-conscious. It is trying to deal with something that it knows is there, but it is trying to protect you by not bringing it into your conscious memory. Just analyse the bodily sensations and say to yourself, "well that's unusual!"
Don't react by trying to resist them and don't let them alarm you. It is all happening for a reason beyond your awareness. The sensations are perfectly natural bodily responses to fear that you would feel if you actually had a situation on your hands that would cause you fear. The body is priming itself to PHYSICALLY fight the danger or run from it. You are safe. If you start to panic at the sensations, you will be panicking about the panic, thus increasing the panic, thus making you feel even worse! You will be feeding a loop that starts to spiral out of control!
The best way I found to get some relief was to educate myself on anxiety. When I came across this program, it was like everything I had started to learn and draw conclusions about started to come together for me! I discovered some fascinating facts that actually made MORE sense to me and it seemed to describe me VERY well!
What made the program even more appealing for me was it gives an all NATURAL general anxiety and panic attack treatment that has helped educate me on the condition as well as FINALLY give me some relief!
Go check it out for yourself now! I'm glad I did!
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Panic Attack - Causes, Symptoms and Cures

A panic attack is the manifestation of several factors which affect the person suffering from the disorder. It is often described as a short period of intense anxiety and fear experienced by the person. Some might experience them only once, while other face repeated attacks throughout their lives.
Learning about these attacks can lead to our preventing and curing the disorder. This can be done by studying the disorder in three stages - causes, symptoms and cures.
1. Causes: The attacks can be caused by many factors. These factors influence the mind of the person and force them to respond in a manner which causes the attacks. The causes can be genetic or behavioral. These factors display different symptoms during the attacks.
- Heredity has been found to be one of the reasons why panic disorders affect members of the same family. However, people with no family history of panic disorders also suffer from them.
- Some other diseases and disorders can also lead to panic disorders. Common among them are obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), hyperthyroidism, etc. Some phobias also result in people suffering from panic attacks.
- Substance abuse can also be a cause of panic disorders. Side effects during their use and after discontinuing them are major causes of the attacks. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs often display side effects of these attacks.
- People can have panic attacks when they are faced with stressful situations and events. This is another symptom of PTSD.
2. Symptoms: Different symptoms are expressed in different people. There are commonly known symptoms some or all of which are displayed during these attacks.
- Accelerated heart rate
- Feelings of choking or smothering
- Nausea or chest pain
- Cold or hot flashes, etc.
3. Cures: The attacks can be treated using different methods. They include behavioral therapies, medication and self-help techniques. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is the most widely acclaimed therapy for curing the attacks. Medication is only prescribed in the most severe cases when there is a risk of the attacks affecting the health of the sufferer. The medications are usually antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. But these drugs have the side effect of leading to an increase in the symptoms of the attacks. Self-help methods work for those who do not find success with the above mentioned methods. Some of these methods are more successful than the others.
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Panic Attack Symptoms Overview

Was what you had really a panic attack? That's the question. It felt like so much more. So physical! How could it be only in your head? So what are the panic attack symptoms?
First, the symptoms don't exist in a void. They are a part of a person's experience. So let me introduce you to my friend Anna.
Anna has suffered from panic attacks her whole adult life and her case, because it is fairly typical, can give you a good sense of how these symptoms affect an actual person's life. So here are Anna's symptoms with brief descriptions of how they affected her life.
The Physical Symptoms:
Difficulty Breathing
One of the scariest parts of a panic attack is difficulty breathing. Not being able to catch your breath can really unnerve you. This was the first thing Anna noticed during her first attack. She had just started college and was at the supermarket with her roommate when all of a sudden she felt like she was drowning. Anna didn't know what to do.
Chest Pains
First time victims often think they're having heart attacks because one of the main symptoms is chest pains. That's what Anna thought in the supermarket. As the difficulty breathing got worse, she suddenly felt a chest pain so strong it felt as if a ton of bricks had fallen on her chest. Imagine her terror.
Luckily, Anna's roommate noticed her panicked expression and walked her back to the dorm. They would've dialed 911 had Anna's symptoms not evaporated.
Hot/Cold Flashes
One of the less extreme symptoms is temperature discomfort. A sufferer feels so uncomfortably hot they break into a sweat. Or they begin trembling from cold. Even though it was relatively warm back at the dorm Anna trembled violently while waiting for her chest pains and breathing to normalize. Anna and her roommate didn't know what to think. Was it a mild heart attack? The flu?
When Anna fully recovered she felt embarrassed by the whole episode.
Typically a loss of balance or lightheadedness is also one of the panic attack symptoms. A sufferer feels a general bodily weakness or like they will faint. On her second day of classes Anna was crowding into a lecture hall when she suddenly felt dizzy. She got to her seat but the whole room seemed to spin as she sat there. Her breathing started to speed up. Terrified, Anna realized she was about to have another episode.
Increased Heart Rate
A racing heart is the most common physical aspect of the panic attack symptoms. Anna noticed her heart rate before the chest pains. She put her hand on her chest and felt her heart ratcheting at her rib cage. It was as if a boa constrictor were slowly squeezing her to death.
The class TA noticed Anna's discomfort and helped her out of class. He gave her his paper lunch bag and had her breath into it. He was the first one who mentioned panic attacks. His mother had suffered from them so he recognized what Anna was going through.
Psychological Symptoms:
The key psychological symptom is the absolute fear and certainty you are dying. Afterward, Anna and the TA lunched in a quiet courtyard. She confided that during the attack she was certain she was about to die. He told her about his mother's episodes and Anna immediately recognized her own symptoms in his story. At his urging she made an appointment at the campus health clinic.
Loss of Control
The terror is accompanied by the feeling that you're losing your mind and are out of control. For Anna, this was at the heart of her anxiety disorder. A mental health professional helped Anna discover that her fear of crowded places and her separation anxiety were the main triggers for her panic attacks.
Anna learned to deal with her panic attacks. She still occasionally has them but thanks to techniques she's learned she knows how to lessen their magnitude.
If these symptoms sound like what you experienced, then you should get help. Learn more about panic attacks. You've already started on the path to recovery by getting this far. Now keep on going.
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Panic Attacks Treatment

What are Panic Attacks?
An anxiety or panic attack describes what happens to you when fear or anxiety overwhelms you. People react in different ways and to varying extents, but it tends to cause your heart to beat fast, your breathing to increase and for you to feel, sick, dizzy or that you are losing control.
What is the Problem with them?
The frequency of panic attacks can vary from person to person, as can their intensity. But as a general rule, if left unchecked, they will at the very least stay the same and in the worst cases, completely spiral out of control. So it's important to treat your panic attacks before they start to take over your life or worse, morph into a more serious condition such as depression or OCD.
In this article, I will discuss the latest panic attack treatments currently on the market so you can decide which is best for you to give you the right coping mechanisms so that you can take back control of your life.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT has been a very effective treatment for many people. It is an area of science in its own right and basically deals with changing the way you think through a series of therapy sessions, negative thought processes are identified and the subject is then taught to think of them in a different way. Eventually, the patient will develop a series of coping mechanisms to rationalize an attack as or before it strikes.
It has been used to treat a variety of conditions apart from anxiety and panic attacks, including depression and phobias.
Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy in effect exaggerates the symptoms of panic attacks. During an anxiety or panic attack, there is a dramatic increase of adrenaline on the body, raising your heart rate and breathing, which gives rise to all the associated symptoms.
So the thinking goes, if you purposely cause yourself to replicate these symptoms in a controlled environment, it lessens their effects when a panic attack next strikes.
So in the case of a panic attack, the subject will be asked to exaggerate their breathing, to shake their head or even to hold their breath. The body is a great learner and the hope with this treatment is that such exposure will lessen the impact of any subsequent attack.
A number of medications can be prescribed to lessen the impact of panic attacks. These generally come under the umbrella of anti-depressants. They very widely in strength and side-effects, with the most extreme end being the benzodiazepines, which are extremely addictive.
Prescription medication does have a part to play in the treatment process, particularly in cases where the panic attacks are becoming so extreme as to stop you from functioning normally. However it's important to realize that these medications merely mask the underlying symptoms and must not be relied upon as a magical 'cure-all'. They can also be extremely addictive and have serious side-effects.
Another alternative that may be worth considering is natural and herbal remedies for anxiety. These include valerian, kava and passionflower. There are also non-prescription herbal remedies for anxiety that have no harmful side-effects that you can try.
Relaxation and Breathing
This area is very important as, once learned, it can not only lessen the chances of a full blown attack, but completely arrest the hyperventilation response that can bring about all of the many symptoms of a panic attack.
Relaxation techniques are outside the scope of this article and I don't want to trivialize its importance by discussing all the various methods in a single paragraph. There are many books and programs to follow and there are many treatment programs available to train you to breathe and relax the correct way.
Self-Help Treatment Programs
There are a variety of books to be found on sites such as Amazon for coping with anxiety and panic attacks and many people, including myself, have found them very comforting and useful. However, I am very much a visual person and tend to respond better to practical video demonstrations and techniques. They helped me to banish my own anxiety attacks and heart palpitations and enabled me to take back control of my own life. I sincerely hope they will do the same for you.
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How Does the Panic Disorder Cycle Work?

The absolute worst thing happens. You are out in public when you feel that old feeling. You know what is about to happen, but in these last few moments before it hits, your only real hope is that no one else sees what is about to happen.
What happens next can not really be described properly to someone who has never been through it. Horrifying, frustrating, no words really seem to cover it. You know you are having an attack. It is obvious to you. But do you know what is happening in your body when this happens?
Do you know how the Panic Disorder Cycle Works?
Before it even strikes, in those moments before you are even aware that the attack is coming, the cycle starts. Many times, this cycle starts in your subconscious mind. The area of your brain that you are not always aware of. Something will cause your subconscious mind to send a signal of distress to your body.
Your body is getting this message that something is wrong, but without knowing what is wrong, it has no way to fix this for you. So your body sends the same distress signal back to your brain.
Basically what is happening is your mind and body feel that something is wrong and they both go into 'panic mode' because neither knows how to help.
While these signals are getting sent back and forth, you start to experience the signs of a panic attack. As the mind and body keep sending these signals to each other, your symptoms increase into a full blown attack.
Once a signal is sent from your subconscious to your body, (or vice versa), that the threat is gone, your symptoms begin to subside.
As scary as panic attacks are, the whole horrifying experience is thanks to your body trying to protect you.
It is hard to describe the feeling of the walls closing in around you. Sometimes it feels like there is nothing lonelier or scarier than a life of panic and anxiety. Your life should not have to be this way.
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Panic Disorder and Attacks

When a person has sudden overwhelming fear and anxiety they are having what we call a panic attack (PA). The heart will pound and they find it hard to breath. They can feel dizzy and feel like they are going to vomit. Sometimes they feel like they will dye. If (PA) are not treated they can escalate into other problems and panic disorder. Severe cases can cause a person to withdraw from everyday activity. With treatment you can take control of your life once again and eliminate or reduce the symptoms.
Cynthia's story
Cynthia first had a (PA) about six months ago. When she had this attack she was in her office getting ready for an important meeting. Without any advanced notice she felt a very intense feeling of fear. After this she was feeling sick and felt as if she would vomit. Cynthia's heart was pounding and she was finding it hard to breath, her body was also shaking uncontrollably. After several moments the the attack had passed and she was feeling better. Cynthia became deeply worried about this as nothing like this had ever happened to her before.
About two weeks later Cynthia had her second (PA). From then on her attacks started happening more and more often. Cynthia is never sure when her next (PA) will come or where she will be. Out of a deep fear of having an attack while in public, Cynthia has been going home after work and staying there. Cynthia has also developed places she avoids such as elevators. She is not afraid of elevators just of having a (PA) while on one.
A (PA) can come on at any time with out warning. Most of the time there is not a reason for the (PA). Panic attacks can even occur when your relaxing or sleeping. (PA) can happen just one time or they can be something that happens repeatedly. Most people who suffer from (PA) have them repeatedly. Many times (PA) that are recurring, are triggered by a specific situation. These triggers can be things like high places, public speaking or riding in a car. This can be especially true if the situation has caused a (PA) in the past. Most of the time the (PA) comes on when you feel like you are in danger or cannot escape. You can have one or two panic attacks in your life and besides that you live a normal life. Sometimes (PA) can happen in association with panic disorder and depression. Whatever you may think, this is treatable. Many techniques have been developed to help deal with the symptoms.
Some of the symptoms of the onset of a panic attack
Most (PA) occur when you are not at home. You can have (PA) virtually anyplace - driving, at a party, taking a shower, at the grocery store.
The symptoms of a (PA) come on quickly and with very little warning. Most (PA) will be at there worst about ten minutes into them and be over in about twenty or thirty minutes. It is very rare for a (PA) to last more then one hour. A complete full panic attack can combine some or all the symptoms listed below.
Hyperventilation or being short of breath
Pounding or racing heart
Pain or discomfort in the chest
Shaking and trembling
Feeling like you are choking
Feeling like you are not connected or detached from your surroundings
Feeling like you are going to vomit
Feeling lightheaded or faint
Tingling sensations in your limbs
Hot and / or cold flashes
Afraid you could dye or losing control
A panic attack can feel like a heart attack.
Symptoms of a (PA) tend to be physical and sometimes these can be so bad, that people think they are having a heart attack. It is not uncommon for people who have panic attacks to make trips to the doctor, because they think they are having a heart attack. It is very important to have any possible problems checked out, but do not overlook the possibility of a panic attack.
Lots of people will experience a panic attack without ever having another one or any complications. Do not worry if you have had only one or two (PA). Be aware that if panic attacks persist you are most likely developing panic disorder. Panic disorder is having several, repeated panic attacks. Panic attacks combined with constant anxiety and changes in your behavior is most likely panic disorder.
Some symptoms of panic disorder
You have frequent, sudden and unexpected panic attacks that are not related to a specific situation.
You worry a lot about having more panic attacks.
You are changing your routine because of the panic attacks, such as avoiding place you had a panic attack in the past
One panic attack can last only a couple minutes, but this one panic attack can leave a lasting negative impression on a person. Panic attacks that happen over and over can take a huge emotional toll on a person. Just the memory of the fear and overwhelming terror can hurt your self esteem and create harmful disturbances in your life. This can lead to the panic disorder symptoms listed below.
Anticipatory anxiety - You feel anxious and tense between panic attacks. This is caused by the fear that you will have another attack.
Phobic avoidance - You avoid certain places and situations. You do this because you fear the place or situation will cause another panic attack. If you start avoiding places most the time, phobic can turn into agoraphobia.
Panic disorder associated with agoraphobia
Agoraphobia used to be thought of as a fear of open spaces and being in public. It is now realized that agoraphobia is a side effect of the fear of having a panic attack. The fear of having a (PA) and not being able escape or becoming embarrassed is normal. It could also be the fear of not having help around. These fears can cause you to start avoiding more and more situations.
In severe cases people only feel safe while at home. Agoraphobia will usually appear sometime around the one year mark of your first panic attack.
What causes panic attacks and panic disorder?
It is not know what exactly causes (PA) and panic disorder. It is known that panic attacks and panic disorders tend to run in families. They also usually appear when there are large changes going on in a persons life. These can be a job change, marriage or a big move. Traumatic stress situations can also be a major contributing factor. This could include a death of a loved one or major loss of any kind. There are several physical problems that can cause a (PA) also. These should be looked at by a doctor and are listed below.
Mitral valve prolapse, a minor heart problem that happens when the heart's valves do not close correctly.
Stimulant use (amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine)
Medication withdrawal
The author Paul Andrew Todd was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and Since a very early age Paul has had a interest in metaphysics. He has read and studied extensively in the fields of spirituality, metaphysics, religion, mind control and other personal improvement areas. Paul has been a certified hypnotherapist for thirteen years. He graduated from the Cincinnati School of Hypnosis in 1996. Paul also has been practicing meditation daily since 1994. He is a trained yoga teacher and meditation instructor. Paul learned yoga at Rishikesh Yogpeeth in India. Since early 2009 Paul has been traveling the world and living on the road. His web site can be found at Overcoming Anxiety
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Understanding Panic Disorder

A panic attack can strike anyone at any time. Most people never experience an attack, and others may have only one or two over the course of a lifetime. Someone who has a series of attacks can be diagnosed with panic disorder, a debilitating disorder that can lead to a decreased ability to function in the everyday world. Untreated panic disorders can lead to agoraphobia, an extreme fear of open places and crowds. The term is derived from the Greek word agora (the marketplace) and phobia (fear). Fear of the marketplace appears to be more common among women, but men experience panic attacks and agoraphobia as well. The phrase panic/anxiety attack has become a part of our vocabulary and is used to describe an uncomfortable experience, unrelated to the unbridled terror of a panic attack. You may wonder, then, what a panic attack is.
Fear is an emotional response to danger. It is an innate survival mechanism that alerts the mind to take immediate action in the face of a specific stimulus. Physiological changes occur instantly to prepare the body to either fight or to escape from the perceived threat. If a tiger is springing from his rear haunches toward you, the fear response will instantly provide you with the energy that you need to grab your rifle and shoot him or to climb a tree faster than a monkey to the safety of the high branches. After the danger has passed, your body and mind return to their former state of equilibrium.
During a panic attack, the same fear mechanism that protects one from danger is evoked spontaneously. Physiological changes occur: the flow of adrenalin increases; the heart beats faster to pump blood to the muscles; and certain systems, like digestion, shut down to focus all the body's energy to fight or to run. However, there is nothing to fight or any danger in the environment at all. The stimulus is not a tiger, but rather the spontaneous fear response itself. Essentially, a panic attack is a physiological response to a physiological response causing fear to spiral into panic.
After the attack has run its course, there isn't the same sense of relief that one feels perched high in a treetop or standing over a lifeless tiger with a rifle in hand. There is the tendency to brood over the event because it's not in the realm of human experience to be terrified for no reason. People have said that having a panic attack is the most horrifying experience of a lifetime. It is so upsetting that repeated attacks result in the development of a secondary fear of having another attack. The intense distress of experiencing reoccurring panic attacks over a prolonged period of time will demand that one take action to escape the cycle of fear--to find some source of relief.
The relief could be restricting one's activities by staying away from places that induce panic attacks. Eventually, a person's comfort zone could become so limited that they were housebound. Others seek relief in drugs or alcohol. Then, there is the temptation to try unorthodox methods that abound on the internet and promise a quick and permanent cure. I read the testimony of a person whose goal was to rid the world of panic attacks forever, and it conjured up an image in my mind of a snake oil salesmen rolling into town in his wagon, selling his wares and hightailing it to safety before his customers discovered that his elixir was ineffective. Various holistic approaches such as relaxation/visualization techniques can be used as a part of an effective therapy program. However, in cases of moderate to severe cases of panic disorder, engaging the services of a licensed psychotherapist is the best line of defense. Medication may be a part of the therapeutic regime depending upon the severity of the disorder. Medication helps to alleviate the symptoms by acting on specific neurotransmitters in the brain. The same effect will not result from taking over the counter medications.
A good place to start in finding a therapist is by contacting you local mental health clinic, or by consulting with your family doctor. The best therapeutic technique for treating panic disorder is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, which focuses on the role our thinking has on our emotional responses. The therapy teaches techniques for changing our thoughts and perceptions, thereby changing our reactions to extreme anxiety. It will utilize various methods, like progressive relaxation and visualization/guided imagery, biofeedback techniques and desensitization to phobic situations. And the resulting change in response is measurable using fMRI technology. There is empirical evidence that the escalating nature of a panic attack is caused by an overstimulation of areas in the Limbic System of the brain, and a resulting misinterpretation of the signals that the system sends to the prefrontal cortex for processing. It's also been demonstrated that an individual can learn how to change those terrifying misinterpretations into more appropriate and calming thoughts.

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Panic Attacks Treatment - 5 Ways You Can Beat Your Panic Attacks!

Panic attacks treatment is a must for those people who are suffering from constant panic attacks. Because of the varying nature of panic attacks, treatment can become a little bit difficult. The symptoms of a Panic attack have a tendency to differ from anxiety, heart palpitations, to hot flushes and even nausea. So, due to the difference in symptoms from person to person, the analysis of the situation can be difficult.
There are several kinds of panic attacks treatment, which can help in controlling the different types of panic attacks. Here are 5 well known panic attack treatments that may be able to help you:
1. Meditation - The first and one of the best panic attacks treatment is using meditation. This is because meditation helps you to keep your mind completely calm. It also helps the body to relax and repress terror, which always leads to panic attacks.
2. Medication - As mentioned panic attack treatments do vary as per the symptoms. Sometimes the sufferer of a panic attack can be treated by medication. Lots of the medication used in the treatment of panic attacks contains the chemical benzodiazepine and all of them have a sedative effect on the nervous system, as a result of which, a person calms down immediately suppressing the attack.
3. Psychotherapy - The use of psychotherapy is also one of the best and most used types of panic attacks treatment. This process of treatment is lengthy, but it is quite effectual as well. Additionally, for gaining the benefits of this treatment you have to follow some strict and stringent rules. This part, putting many sufferers off the process.
4. Psychologically - Another treatment for panic attacks is Psychological counselling. It is a very common treatment for panic attacks and anxiety. In this treatment you have to spend a short time with an expert, who will help you to identify the source of your panic attacks and hopefully treat the core problem.
5. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - The 5th panic attack treatment is cognitive-behavioural therapy. In this treatment you have to perform meditation and yoga body control exercises. This cognitive-behavioural therapy can help some people in avoiding panic attacks by doing some physical exercises. But it totally depends upon a person's activity as to how well you perform physical activities and in effect react to treatment.
Many people destroy their panic attacks daily and all take a different route towards treatment. These are only 5 brief descriptions of many that are available in today's world. One thing is for sure though, and that is, if the condition is left untreated it can quite easily spiral out of control very quickly indeed. So find your panic attacks treatment today!
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Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia!

Panic disorder is at its most severe when it becomes panic disorder with agoraphobia. Panic disorder with agoraphobia creates such anxiety that a person will do anything to avoid being in what he or she considers 'unprotected space'. Public places are feared as 'unprotected' merely because a panic attack could happen there.
When a panic attack sufferer begins to avoid public places, agoraphobia has set in. The agoraphobic tries to stop attacks by making his or her world very small.
Agoraphobics have difficult networks of fears that totally control their lives. Major symptoms of agoraphobia are:
• Frequent intense panic attacks and severe anxiety.
• Avoiding attacks by staying home all the time.
• Depending too heavily on others.
• Never wanting to be alone.
• Avoiding any place where you can't escape.
• Fear you'll lose control in a public place.
• Feelings of detachment plus isolation.
• Helpless feelings.
• A persistent feeling of unreality.
• A feeling that your body is not quite real.
• Twitching, trembling, or emotional outbursts.
Agoraphobics have symptoms which are periodically disrupted by panic attacks. Agoraphobics have very intense panic attacks. Heart attacks and agoraphobic panic attacks look and feel very similar. The following symptoms are typical during a panic attack:
• Trouble breathing.
• Extreme disorientation or dizziness.
• Feeling like you may faint.
• Numbness plus tingling sensations.
• Blushing uncontrollably.
• Chest pain.
• Worry that you are dying.
• Thinking you are going crazy.
• Rapid pulse.
• A spike in blood pressure.
A disorder with agoraphobia is serious and will not got away on its own. Agoraphobia usually develops after years of panic issues.
The negative effects of panic disorder with agoraphobia come with social isolation, unemployment, and broken private relations. Panic disorder with agoraphobia can be successfully treated even though the symptoms are severe.
Early diagnosis is critical. Early treatment creates the fastest cure. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) combined with systematic desensitization is the standard treatment for agoraphobia. Medication may also be prescribed.
CBT is a method for changing the way an agoraphobic thinks about fear and the world. Systematic desensitization actually desensitizes agoraphobics to fear so they never become afraid of specific stimuli.
Agoraphobics could start out by being asked to simply imagine leaving the house. When that can be done without panic, the next step might be to imagine opening the door. Stepping outside might be the final step. Agoraphobics are all different, but generally the prognosis for a full recovery is excellent.
Antidepressant medications may be prescribed to relieve the most intense symptoms. Drugs can improve the effectiveness of therapy. Agoraphobics may be weaned off medication when therapy is complete. Patients occasionally continue to take medications in order to maintain a full recovery.

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Stop Struggling From Panic Disorder

Anxiety is a common human emotion or response to unusual situations. It is normal for people to feel anxious from time to time. However, if you are having anxiety even on situations where there is nothing to worry or fear about, then you might be suffering from anxiety disorder. Severity of anxiety problem may range from mild that lasts only for a day or two to severe anxiety disorder where attacks may last for a month or longer. Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that affects millions of people. This kind of disorder can disrupt your normal life and it is important to find a way to stop struggling from panic disorder.
Panic disorder is an episode of sudden strong fear or terror without warning and without rational reason. This irrational intense fear or panic is accompanied by disturbing symptoms like pounding heartbeat, chest pain, sweating, dizziness, trembling, racing thoughts and feeling of going crazy or out of control. Living with this kind of illness can interfere with your normal life. You will find it hard to perform your normal daily activities when you are suffering from panic disorder.
Anxiety disorder is commonly treated by medications. One way to stop struggling from panic disorder is through anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication. The drugs are usually prescribed to be taken on a certain period of time because prolonged use may lead to drug dependence. It is important to follow the direction of your doctor on how and when the drugs should be taken. Drugs have their side effects. Drowsiness, fatigue and confusion are the common side effects of anti-anxiety medications. When taking medications, it is important to practice healthy habits. Getting enough sleep and proper nutrition are important. It is also recommended not to drink alcohol while you are under medications because the combination of alcohol with anti-anxiety medications could be life-threatening.
Therapy is another way to help you stop struggling from panic disorder. Psychotherapy performed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist is a common treatment. With the combination of medications and therapy, panic disorder sufferers can learn to manage their attacks and can lead a normal life.
However, there are cases that even with the presence of medications and therapies, there are people who continue to suffer from panic or anxiety disorder that is why there are those who turn to alternative treatments to stop struggling from panic disorder. There are a number of herbs and natural treatments that offer anxiety relief without the side effects of drugs. But of course, before engaging in any alternative treatment it is best to first consult your doctor to ensure your safety in taking natural remedies.
It can be a daunting experience to live with panic or anxiety disorder and knowing the best way to stop struggling from panic disorder is important to improve the quality of your life. It is a great relief to know that anxiety disorder is the most treatable mental illness. Panic disorder is a treatable disorder and there is help available for you. If you looking for natural treatments, find out how sufferers treated their panic attacks with natural remedies, visit Panic Disorder Freedom
Thesie Cortez is an article writer and an internet marketer. This article is free for publishing provided that the article must be published in its entirety without alterations. The author's name and all links must be included and remain intact or unaltered with every reproduction.
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Panic Attack (Panic Disorder) - Why Do You Feel Like You Do?

Have you ever suffered from a panic attack (panic disorder)? If so, you know how much it can impact your life. Some people have stopped leaving their homes. Others prefer to drive thousands of miles in their cars just to avoid flying. Alternatively, they stay in jobs they hate, because they fear that some travelling might be involved in a new job.
Why Do Some People Suffer From Panic Attacks?
It's normal to feel fear in dangerous situations. When we are faced with a real danger, we react in a certain way.
Imagine a caveman, who's on his way out to hunt. He waves cheerio to his wife and fourteen kids, and he walks towards a water pit, where he knows there normally are lots of juicy deer around. While he's walking, he's already imagining the smell of the meat sizzling over a slow fire, and water fills his mouth.
Stop! A sudden movement makes him freeze. His mouth is suddenly as dry as a desert on a sunny afternoon, and his heart is beating at an alarming pace. A few steps beside him, he sees a puma getting ready to jump. It's clear that to this huge cat, our caveman looks like fast food.
His legs start to shake, and he can hardly breathe. Nausea fills his stomach, and he hears no sound. Everything turns black for his eyes for a second. His hands, holding the spear, are sweaty, and cold sweat is gliding from his neck, down his spine.
The caveman doesn't know how long he stands frozen like that. Then, without thinking, he turns around and runs the fastest he's ever run before in his entire life.
Pounding and sweating, he reaches the cave. He grabs a stick and jogs it into the fire just inside, and he threatens the puma with it.
The huge cat sees its defeat, turns around, and walks back where it came from.
You see, the fear that this caveman experienced, was based on a real danger. He was about to get killed and eaten by a huge cat.
A panic attack (panic disorder) occurs under different circumstances. Although the danger is real to the mind of the suffering person, it's not real to anybody else. Just thinking about taking the escalator can cause a panic attack in some people, while others see it as one of the most natural and simple things to do.
And they experience the same symptoms as our caveman did.
The problem for people who suffer from a panic attack (panic disorder) is that the normal switch that makes us react and freeze or run in the face of real danger is stuck in "on" position. And even the fear of suffering from an anxiety attack can provoke panic. This is a vicious circle.
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Understanding Medications and Symptoms of Panic Disorder

A constant overwhelming feeling of anxiety seems to creep over you. You have excessive thoughts of worry and apprehension. You feel like you are going crazy or have the urge to run or escape your body or other strange sensations that are difficult to put into words. These are some characteristics of panic disorder. A sense of panic in some situations are normal where it is a natural surge of adrenaline that put a person into survival mode. However, some people experience panic attacks and the fight or flight feeling out of nowhere and when that occurs, it is likely you are experiencing panic disorder.
There are some things you can do to treat this disorder and if you find that the symptoms you are feeling seem to correlate with that of panic disorder, it is imperative to discuss your options with your medical health professional. You will need to be diagnosed and will more than likely be given options for medications or therapy that will help ease the anguish of fighting panic disorder before it becomes more serious. The diagnosis and the use of medication for panic disorder can help a person get back on track to the life that is more normal and familiar feeling.
Behind panic disorder are many reasons and roots of the problem that have caused this issue. Many people have different ranges of severity. It is possible that your attacks and racing heart feelings are related to cardiovascular issues. If this is true, a doctor may put you on blood pressure medicine or encourage you to take aspiring. Otherwise, there are many other prescription medications on the market to treat panic disorder. Many of them are in the Diazepam or Lorazepam families. Other antidepressants are also used to treat this disorder to help regulate the chemical reactions in the brain. Typically Xanax is useful for these attacks though its use and the likelihood of developing addiction is controversial. If your doctor does not recommend that you take medications, do not be alarmed. Even though these attacks are frightening, they are not related to other health issues other than anxiety.
Taking medications for panic disorder is nothing to be ashamed or anything to worry about but it is imperative that a medical doctor or a psychiatrist do a full mental evaluation on you to determine what your needs are in case there are other mental health issues present. One thing about panic attacks is that they are commonly related to depression. A person often feels out of control and seem to carry a heavy burden, feeling like a failure. Discussion with your doctor about the possibility of depression should also be initiated. Once the doctor has determined that you need to take disorder medication, know that often this is an issue that is corrected through trial and error. Some medications work differently for different people so do not feel hopeless if the first option does not provide immediate relief. There are different types of panic attack medications ranging from beta blockers to help alleviate symptoms of panic attacks, serotonin increasers that can help with a person's mood or other medications like benzodiazepines that fix panic disorder symptoms, though used only for a short time.
Regardless of the medication you are taking to treat panic disorder, note any side effects that you may be having. Sometimes these can increase the symptoms of this disorder or other bodily functioning. Though you may try to resist having to take prescription medicine, you still need to seek other alternatives for your panic disorder. Many other options include talk therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist that may offer cognitive behavioral therapy as treatment. This will help in correlation with the prescription medication helping to rid yourself of panic disorder in the long term.
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Natural Panic Disorder Treatment - Naturally Stop Panic Attacks Without Experiencing Side Effects

Panic disorder is a psychological or neurological condition that causes intense anxiety or panic attacks. These attacks usually strike without reason or warning, and they can dramatically affect your ability to deal with every day life.
Panic disorder affects millions of people and it will usually start during late adolescence and early adulthood. Moreover, women are twice more likely to develop this disorder than men are.
Some of the most common symptoms of this disorder are intense feeling of fear, dizziness or feeling faint, sweating, and chills or hot flashes. However, the main symptoms of this disorder is the constant fear of having future panic attacks.
Although the exact cause of panic disorder is not fully understood, research suggests that a combination of different factors play a role in the development. Some of these factors include family history, substance abuse, stress, and problems in part of the brain.
When it comes to panic disorder treatment there are more than a few anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications that have proven effective. However, many people suffering from this condition would rather treat themselves naturally due to the cost and side effects of medical medications.
Natural panic disorder treatment involves a combination of things which include your diet, exercise, and behavior modification therapy. Behavior modification therapies to treat this disorder include cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and interoceptive exposure therapy. CBT is an effective panic disorder treatment because it involves learning the cause of your panic attacks and then replacing those behaviors with more acceptable ones.
Interoceptive exposure therapy involves triggering the symptoms of a panic attack on purpose to demonstrate no harm will come. Interoceptive therapy can be a risky panic disorder treatment, but it has proven to be very effective in most cases.
To treat this disorder naturally you can turn to relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, and other stretching exercises. These relaxation exercises aim to eliminate the stress in your life which may be causing your panic attacks.
Removing food items from your diet that contains caffeine and sugar is an important step to treating this disorder naturally. Food items that contain too much caffeine or sugar can cause you to feel nervous, irritable, and can also trigger panic attacks.
Another effective natural panic disorder treatment involves using vitamin supplements and herbal remedies designed to treat people who suffer from panic attacks. B complex vitamins have the ability to calm a person suffering from panic attacks. Meanwhile herbal remedies such as chamomile, flaxseed oil, and evening primrose oil have all proven to be effective panic disorder treatment methods.
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Panic Disorder Help Is Not Elusive - Or Is It?

Are you one of the many people looking for panic disorder help? Easier said than done, I know, but do not worry as you are not alone and help is available.
Those suffering from this condition find themselves reading every book ever written on the subject and trying every new treatment that comes their way. Although medical treatment continues to improve, some attempt to find answers through different medications and stress reducing techniques are ongoing.
Some help is good and some just gives false hope with little or no real chance of helping you personally.
It's not an easy journey finding relief and hopefully a cure, but there is a lot of help available for you. This journey in search of a cure can be long and frightening in itself.
When an individual has suffered many panic attacks,then he or she is said to have panic disorder, but what causes these attacks in the first place?
The truth is no one really knows for sure. There are those who speculate the condition is genetic. Some suggest it results from enormous stress, which can be at home or work.
These attacks appear suddenly and have been perceived as some of the scariest moments in a person's entire life. Your first episode may have you feeling like your world is caving in and that death is at their door. It can be literally as bad as that can't it?
Furthermore, many people who have these panic attacks think they are having a heart attack and mistakenly call for emergency care. The reason for this is sufferers feel the same type of symptoms as they might if they were indeed having a heart attack; symptoms like tightening of the chest, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeats and tingling sensations in many areas of the body
There are other symptoms and feelings you may experience that suggest anxiety issues, such as the fear of being imprisoned, being in traffic jams or the fear of being in closed in spaces like small shops or a movie theatre. These feelings are quite common to most sufferers too.
Panic disorder can make you feel like you are close to death or at the very least going out of your mind. You feel like you are losing control, the anxiety builds and you find yourself on the edge of darkness.
The fact is anxiety can come in waves and make you think you can no longer relate to the world that surrounds you. This is pretty scary stuff and it leads many to believe there is no real hope or help available. Fortunately, this is not true.
Many years of research have been directed towards this subject by experts, many of whom have suffered the same bouts with panic disorder.
When considering a path to take when seeking panic disorder help, a lot of people do not want to take strong drugs, and I cannot say I blame them. Who wants to hand control over to something that will indeed be in control of them?
Don't get me wrong, drugs can help and hopefully as a short-term measure until you start to feel a bit more secure about your situation.
As a person who has suffered once with panic attacks, I looked for a more natural approach for help. I went to see my doctor who offered me drugs at first. I said I wanted to talk about what I was feeling and she referred me to a counsellor.
This for me was the panic disorder help I needed and I was soon on the road to managing my problem, and I still do to this day.
Someone else suggested that I ask for cognitive behaviour therapy or CBT as it is more commonly known. I guess the counsellor may have thrown a bit of that into my sessions without me realising at the time!
Isn't it time you took some control back in your situation and started to feel normal once more? Wouldn't you like to feel free again and to build a new and exciting life where every day can be an adventure instead of a dread?
It's all about changing our way of thinking really and our beliefs. You do not have to feel as though you are going to die any more as a result of panic attacks. Nor do you have to think panic disorder help will have you a slave to drugs. It does not have to be that way.
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Natural and Effective Ways To Treat Panic Disorder

With the ever increasing hustle and bustle of our everyday lives combined with the information overload that all of us are exposed to everyday it's no wonder that more individuals are being diagnosed with anxiety issues, tension and panic disorder. While it's natural for most of us to feel stress at some point in our day, those that suffer from panic attacks feel overwhelming terror that can strike suddenly and without warning. There was a time when this disorder was chalked up to nothing more than nerves, but it has been deemed a mental illness and there are symptoms to be on the lookout for and treatment options that you can look into in order to live a more productive, stress-free life.
A panic disorder can strike between 3 million and 6 million Americans and seems to be more common in women than it is in men. Not everyone who experiences a panic attack will have continued episodes. Some may have one attack and never experience another one, however, for one-third of those that do experience more than one attack their lives become filled with anxiety over when the next attack will occur. The time between attacks is filled with lingering worry and these individuals may even start to avoid places and people in an attempt to avoid triggers that may start an attack. In extreme cases, this disorder can lead to agoraphobia which is a fear of public places or crowds.
The symptoms of panic disorder can vary in intensity and duration. They include difficulty breathing or feeling like you can't get enough air, a rapid heartbeat, dizziness and an overwhelming feeling of terror and impending doom. Many people are admitted to the hospital believing they are having a heart attack. No one knows what causes a panic disorder, but some studies suggest that post traumatic stress disorder may play a role. When an individual experiences a traumatic event, they have difficulty feeling safe and may be anxious that the trauma may occur again. There are treatments that are available should you be diagnosed with this mood disorder. While prescription medications are often the first to be attempted, there are more natural, safer methods that you can turn to.
In order to combat your frightening symptoms and overcome panic disorder, you need to get to the root cause of it. Medication works on the surface, masking the symptoms that you have instead of teaching you how to deal with them. Medication also run the risk of drug interactions, dependency and harmful side effects. With natural treatment methods there are none of these risks and even greater rewards. Instead of masking your symptoms, you learn how to build a solid foundation where anxiety doesn't exist, you will be taught how to achieve a sense of clarity about your life and be able to rekindle your social life. Medications such as anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications keep you from having control over your life, take control back and learn to function normally again without the use of harmful medication.
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Understanding Panic Disorder

What causes panic disorder?
The causes of panic disorder, which is characterised by what we know as panic attacks or anxiety attacks, are many and various, although often they arise in response to intense emotions. In some cases they might begin after a single and highly distressing life event, while in others it could be ongoing periods of stress which are the trigger. Major changes in our lives such as divorce, the loss of a loved one and even a change in career could be the cause, as might family upbringing and environment or certain psychological factors or personality type. Some medications are also known to produce panic attacks in certain individuals.
What are the symptoms of panic disorder?
Panic attacks normally bring with them a series of physical symptoms which sufferers can often interpret as the signs of serious illness, and especially as the sign of a heart attack. A racing heartbeat or heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, shaking, sweating, tingling in the hands and feet and pain or discomfort in the chest area are all very common. Alongside these physical symptoms, however, are usually feelings of disorientation, unreality and abject terror. The individual suffering the attack can be in a perfectly ordinary situation or environment which has never before caused them problems, but suddenly find themselves feeling petrified for no apparent reason. As the physical symptoms take hold, so the fear intensifies, and so sufferers often come to live their lives in dread of the next attack.
Because some of the symptoms of panic disorder can also be attributed to physical illness, it is important to seek professional medical advice to rule this out as a possibility.
What is the treatment for panic disorder?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which essentially seeks to address and modify our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, as well as our behaviour, has been found to be one of the most effective forms of treatment for panic disorder and can bring about lasting results. Not only does CBT help to get to the underlying causes of the disorder so that these can be dealt with, but it also teaches a range of coping techniques which allow sufferers to go on and live a life free from panic attacks.
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Cure For Panic Using Panic Disorder Treatment

Types of Cure for Panic Attacks
Panic attacks differ from one person to another. Some people experience it once or twice in their lives, while others suffer from constant panic attacks. If they happen frequently, it can result to more serious mental disorders.
Panic Attacks Interferes with a Person's Daily Life
Severe panic attacks can interfere on your daily tasks at home and in the workplace, and even puts your relationships at risk. Many people do not have an idea of the main causes of their panic attacks that is why it is important to seek the help of mental health professionals, such as counselors, psychiatrists and psychologists who could determine the main sources of your panic attacks and help you confront and overcome the situation.
Different body and mind relaxation techniques are being used by mental health professionals. This encourages the patient to participate in various therapy sessions intended to reduce unnecessary tension that will help them completely recover from their panic disorder. Others may recommend you to take medication for anxiety, but this method is generally the last option when other means are not successful. It would be wiser and healthier to go for natural remedies first before you resort to pharmaceuticals.
Various Herbal Remedies
There are a lot of herbal remedy options that choosing one can be quite a challenge and can take a lot of time. It would be wisest to do your own research. Take note of the most potent ingredients in calming and relieving panic-related symptoms such as intensified fear, nervousness, tension and depression.
It is highly possible that they can be directly connected to other more serious health disorders. For example, difficulty in breathing and abnormal heart rate may be symptoms of cardiovascular disorders. It is very important for the patient to contact a mental health professional to properly examine and diagnose panic attacks.
There are various types of cure for panic attacks. Taking natural herbal remedies is one of the methods that are proven effective in curing patients who are under the spell of panic attack.
Passion Flower Calms down Anxiety Attacks
One natural herbal remedy that is becoming more and more popular these days is Passiflora Incarnata, also known as Passion Flower. This flowering plant is known for its relaxing and sedative effects that eases anxiety and nervous tremors, and lowers blood pressure.
According to Stephanie Chelf, a natural health writer, scientists theorize that Passion Flower contains flavonoids and alkaloids that reduce the neurotransmitters in the nervous system that decrease anxiety. The flavonoid called chrysin calms the central nervous system and lowers the blood pressure.
A lot of panic sufferers prefer Passion Flower as an herbal remedy because it is never addictive and it does not bring harmful side effects even if it is taken for longer periods.
The Lavender and Catnip Ease Stress and Panic
Two other herbal cures that are proven effective in relieving symptoms of panic attacks are Lavandula Augustifolia, commonly known as Lavender, and Nepeta Cataria, commonly known as Catnip. These herbs contain natural properties that alleviate tension, emotional stress, and panic. There extracts contain properties that relax a patient but keep him alert.
A study conducted by the King's College in London shows that patients who were exposed to lavender oil scent were less tense and felt relaxed. Indeed, Taking Lavender or Catnip on a regular basis calms the patient down in instances that incite panic attacks.
Common sense should always be applied when using whatever kind of herbal remedies. Seek the help of a health care practitioner who knows not only herbal medicine but also knows the interaction of herbal medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. This will give you the best results and the assurance that you will eventually break free from anxiety attacks.
If you would like to learn more about Panic Disorder Treatment [], then please read below; FREE! "Discover The Secret To Breaking The Cycle Of Fear With A Tool That Will Allow You To Never Fear Another Anxiety or Panic Attack..."
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Understanding Medications and Symptoms of Panic Disorder

A constant overwhelming feeling of anxiety seems to creep over you. You have excessive thoughts of worry and apprehension. You feel like you are going crazy or have the urge to run or escape your body or other strange sensations that are difficult to put into words. These are some characteristics of panic disorder. A sense of panic in some situations are normal where it is a natural surge of adrenaline that put a person into survival mode. However, some people experience panic attacks and the fight or flight feeling out of nowhere and when that occurs, it is likely you are experiencing panic disorder.
There are some things you can do to treat this disorder and if you find that the symptoms you are feeling seem to correlate with that of panic disorder, it is imperative to discuss your options with your medical health professional. You will need to be diagnosed and will more than likely be given options for medications or therapy that will help ease the anguish of fighting panic disorder before it becomes more serious. The diagnosis and the use of medication for panic disorder can help a person get back on track to the life that is more normal and familiar feeling.
Behind panic disorder are many reasons and roots of the problem that have caused this issue. Many people have different ranges of severity. It is possible that your attacks and racing heart feelings are related to cardiovascular issues. If this is true, a doctor may put you on blood pressure medicine or encourage you to take aspiring. Otherwise, there are many other prescription medications on the market to treat panic disorder. Many of them are in the Diazepam or Lorazepam families. Other antidepressants are also used to treat this disorder to help regulate the chemical reactions in the brain. Typically Xanax is useful for these attacks though its use and the likelihood of developing addiction is controversial. If your doctor does not recommend that you take medications, do not be alarmed. Even though these attacks are frightening, they are not related to other health issues other than anxiety.
Taking medications for panic disorder is nothing to be ashamed or anything to worry about but it is imperative that a medical doctor or a psychiatrist do a full mental evaluation on you to determine what your needs are in case there are other mental health issues present. One thing about panic attacks is that they are commonly related to depression. A person often feels out of control and seem to carry a heavy burden, feeling like a failure. Discussion with your doctor about the possibility of depression should also be initiated. Once the doctor has determined that you need to take disorder medication, know that often this is an issue that is corrected through trial and error. Some medications work differently for different people so do not feel hopeless if the first option does not provide immediate relief. There are different types of panic attack medications ranging from beta blockers to help alleviate symptoms of panic attacks, serotonin increasers that can help with a person's mood or other medications like benzodiazepines that fix panic disorder symptoms, though used only for a short time.
Regardless of the medication you are taking to treat panic disorder, note any side effects that you may be having. Sometimes these can increase the symptoms of this disorder or other bodily functioning. Though you may try to resist having to take prescription medicine, you still need to seek other alternatives for your panic disorder. Many other options include talk therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist that may offer cognitive behavioral therapy as treatment. This will help in correlation with the prescription medication helping to rid yourself of panic disorder in the long term.
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Panic Disorders Are Difficult But Curable

Panic disorders may sound very serious or concerning to many of us, but trust me; those who are living a life with this kind of anxiety are really fighting against their own self, their own fears. Life and their fight is actually tough.
Such people have a very different point of view, or, let's say, they develop a very uncommon state of mind. They feel a possible and probable threat all the time. They avoid talking, meeting, anyone. They don't feel comfortable traveling or getting into discussions. They don't like being in a company and they can't tolerate being alone as well. So overcoming panic disorders becomes no way out for the sufferer and his near and dear ones.
Today, it's not that difficult to overcome panic attacks as it was around a decade ago, when the problem was not actually understood and treatment methods were not very refined. Now, developments have been made to deal with such problems in a more psychological way and better results in fixing up these disorder problems. If you are observing such symptoms in yourself or someone around you, and if you are looking for some good and reasonable panic attack treatment, you must not do the mistake of facing the strong drugs in order to get immediate relief and quick results because this kind of seemingly immediate achievements will cause serious and long term harmful effects to your body and mind, gradually in the course of time.
Taking drugs for panic attack treatment can solve the problems, but is actually creating a bigger problem. It will slowly ruin your physical and mental health and worsen your condition. If you really want overcoming of agoraphobia, then you should actually look up for the real reason behind the problem and learn to perceive things in the correct manner as they are intended to be understood by you. Try keeping it in mind and surely you will realize that there is always a positive end to all dark and difficult appearing problems.
Fully coming out of panic attack treatment is negative phase of mind set is a very composite and difficult process. In the first attempt of most of the cases, and in the process of improvement, either its help for panic disorder turns out to be partially unsuccessful or complete failure. But leaving hopes and not trying wouldn't help you either. So focus on your problems, analyze them, but do not waste too much time analyzing failures. Rather start with a new beginning and be positive and fearless; learn to claim and earn your part of happiness and recovery.
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Overcoming Panic Disorder Without Medication

Someone seeking help in overcoming panic disorder without medication posted this on Yahoo Answers:
"I have been diagnosed with Panic Disorder, and the psychiatrist put me on Lexapro, while saying people get over this without medication...I don't want to have to rely on medication for the rest of my life, and I'm getting the sexual side effects...has anyone has overcome this without medication?"
Overcoming panic disorder without medication is certainly possible and many have succeeded. Certainly the sexual side effects of medication can further decrease quality of life. If you suffer from panic disorder and you want to find out how to get free of this crippling condition without medication, then this article will help you.
  1. Become aware of negative thinking - Panic Disorder causes a general distress that leads to a negative outlook on life. An essential part of healing is taking back your life from these negative thoughts. Keep a little notebook to record your positive moments, and when you feel the negative thoughts coming forward, learn to counter them with thoughts of one of your happy moments.
  2. Be patient and kind with yourself - as you would with any friend of yours, if they told you they were suffering such a problem. Instead of passing judgment on yourself, honor the reality of your condition. Only then can you begin to heal. Suppression and denial will only prolong the time before you take steps to overcome this.
  3. Learn to identify your stressful triggers. Again, keep a little notebook. Note when you are in a situation you find distressing and write a little about it. Then you can be aware when you are getting into a situation that may be triggering. It might be possible for you to make some lifestyle changes that will help you avoid triggering. For example, many people choose to avoid the evening news, understanding that more often, it just adds to our despair and worry.
  4. Eliminate Caffeine. Caffeine can raise heart rate, a symptom you can associate with a panic attack. Sometimes just the anticipation of a panic attack can raise the level of anxiety.
  5. Yogic Breathing - When you find yourself in a triggering situation, try this. Slowly inhale through your nose, then slowly and fully exhale through your mouth. Be sure to use your diaphragm. Do this several times and your should feel your heart and body calming. Breathing slowly will stop you from hyperventilating, which can cause physical symptoms that feel like panic. Slow is key.
  6. Be Open with Others. Do not allow shame to become part of the condition. Shame and embarrassment are stressful by themselves. Talk over your problem with a trusted listener. Research has proven that social isolation and secrecy will only intensify your distress.
  7. Find A Proven Self Help Method. There are excellent resources for self-help from which others have achieved lasting relief. Both bookstores and the Internet can provide you with good information so you can make a good choice. Look at what users have to say about their experiences. If the method has a good track record, then that particular self-help method can be a very effective route when you have chosen to overcome panic disorder without medication.
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Important Facts About Anxiety Panic Disorder

An anxiety panic disorder is characterized by the recurrence of severe panic attacks. The panic attacks are difficult to predict although there are anticipatory attacks triggered by the patient's worry about having another attack. The medical world has not reached a clear-cut conclusion on the anxiety panic disorder, in the sense that some differentiate between anxiety and panic disorder while others treat them together. Although debilitating, the condition is treatable and controllable. Panic attacks could be unexpected, situational or situationally predisposed.
The attacks specific to an anxiety panic problem can wax and wane over longer periods of time, sometimes hours, although the intense episode lasts about ten minutes. The common symptoms of the panic attack include:
- rapid heartbeat;
- shortness of breath;
- a feeling of imminent death;
- trembling;
- dizziness;
- sweating;
- chest pain;
- nausea;
- numbness;
- a sense of altered reality etc.
This list of symptoms is not by far exhaustive. The symptom that appears to be common to all people diagnosed with an anxiety panic problem is the necessity to escape from the situation provoking the attack. As for causes, so far doctors have not been able to determine what the more general causes might be. Genetic predisposition has been confirmed as in families with anxiety panic disorder history, inheritance proves decisive.
Life transitions, stressful events, physical illness and even medications can be found behind an anxiety panic disorder. Stimulants in excess, such as caffeine, could also trigger a panic attack. Sometimes precisely the drugs used to control the condition (like SSRI medication) can exacerbate the condition due to their stimulant side effects. This is also the reason why doctors don't always rush into prescribing drugs to a patient suffering from an anxiety panic disorder. Medication can keep severe symptoms under control, but therapy is a lot more effective at bringing health improvement.
Some researchers suspect a chemical imbalance in patients with panic anxiety disorder. Drug therapy with benzodiazepines seems to regulate the possible chemical imbalances behind a panic attack, keeping the condition in check.
Besides drugs, there is a huge number of therapeutic strategies and techniques that can be used successfully to improve the health condition of an anxiety panic disorder sufferer. The most qualified person to answer your questions on this is your therapist. As part of the counseling sessions, the therapist will discuss various methods meant to bring you in control of your body and mind when a panic attack is at your door. Don't hesitate to ask, and start working towards achieving health improvement goals right away!

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