Because I know all too well due to personal experience that I have raised your anxiety level with my title, I am going to give you the answer right now to put your mind at ease, so you can calmly read the rest of the article where I will explain the answer in detail with proof. To the best of my knowledge and from what I have researched,
From what I have come to understand, a panic attack will NOT harm you and you will not die from one! Neither will general anxiety!
A panic attack will not harm you and there have been no reported cases of death directly from the experience of having a panic attack that I am aware of. The exception to this is if you have an underlying medical condition such as a weak heart that wouldn't be able to handle the sensations produced by a panic attack. But with this being the case, you might have trouble with any kind of fear response such as someone scaring you. General anxiety, just like long-term stress, can lead to a variety of illnesses, but the anxiety itself is not directly dangerous to your wellbeing!
Why Panic And Anxiety Will Not Harm You
I just want to mention, these are my opinions that I have formed through my own personal research. My hope is that they give you a different view on panic attacks so they won't frighten you so much when they occur. This will DRAMATICALLY decrease their intensity!
Even though it might not feel like it to the logical and conscious mind at the time, the sub-conscious knows what it is doing, and will NOT give out more than you can handle. The direction of the sub-conscious is life-ward. It will not do ANYTHING to bring you harm. The emotion of fear itself is one of protection! When you are 'fearing' something, you are 'fearing' it will bring you harm! So fear is a way of keeping you from harm. It wouldn't seem logical for a natural response like fear, which is used to keep you safe, would turn around on you and harm you itself!
The Proof
Hold your breath as long as you can! No matter how hard you try, eventually you will have to breathe again. Try never sleeping again! You won't be able to do it. You're sub-conscious mind will take over because it knows it is necessary that you sleep in order for you to survive. The examples are countless. Try to come up with some yourself! You just CAN'T trick the body logically. The is the primary job of the sub-conscious to keep you alive, even if this means overriding your logical thoughts and your will power to resist! This is also why panic attack treatment ideas that work on logic JUST DON'T WORK!
Try This
Next time you're in a panic attack, just TRUST your sub-conscious. It is trying to deal with something that it knows is there, but it is trying to protect you by not bringing it into your conscious memory. Just analyse the bodily sensations and say to yourself, "well that's unusual!"
Don't react by trying to resist them and don't let them alarm you. It is all happening for a reason beyond your awareness. The sensations are perfectly natural bodily responses to fear that you would feel if you actually had a situation on your hands that would cause you fear. The body is priming itself to PHYSICALLY fight the danger or run from it. You are safe. If you start to panic at the sensations, you will be panicking about the panic, thus increasing the panic, thus making you feel even worse! You will be feeding a loop that starts to spiral out of control!
The best way I found to get some relief was to educate myself on anxiety. When I came across this program, it was like everything I had started to learn and draw conclusions about started to come together for me! I discovered some fascinating facts that actually made MORE sense to me and it seemed to describe me VERY well!
What made the program even more appealing for me was it gives an all NATURAL general anxiety and panic attack treatment that has helped educate me on the condition as well as FINALLY give me some relief!
Go check it out for yourself now! I'm glad I did!
What made the program even more appealing for me was it gives an all NATURAL general anxiety and panic attack treatment that has helped educate me on the condition as well as FINALLY give me some relief!
Go check it out for yourself now! I'm glad I did!
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