Panic Attack Treatments and Their Effectiveness

Panic attacks are an ugly thing to experience. Not only does it inconvenience you from the what you are currently doing, but it can permanently bruise your psyche if you don't treat it in its early stages. Although there have been psychotherapy and medication that can mediate its effect or lessen it to a certain extent, it can be quite difficult and can sometimes worsen your condition if you get off the drugs too. It might be a hard condition to manage, but it is not an impossible thing to overcome as many before you have been able to eliminate panic disorder from their lives.
Stopping a Panic Attack
Panic attack treatments don't necessarily have to be in a form of a pill; rather, they can be achieved by keeping a peaceful state of mind. Relaxation techniques and expressing yourself through other artistic mediums have been known to lessen the frequency of your attack.
When you're under panic attack, your bloodstream is shot with adrenaline; these pea-sized adrenal glands will give you heightened senses to respond to threats. Since these are essentially panic attacks, this makes you essentially afraid of nothing concrete. Although these attacks can pass, they can easily be misinterpreted as a different serious condition, therefore exacerbating it even more.
To be precise, you have roughly three minutes before adrenaline kicks into high gear, during this time you can essentially stop a panic attack. This can give you ample time to fight that urge with the following steps for such attack treatments:
1. Chill
The first thing to do when this sort of feeling set in is to remain calm. Panicking even further will only worsen it. Slowly take deep breathes. Remember, do this in order to keep your heart rate from escalating.
2. Don't Take in Negative Vibes
One thing defining panic attacks is the mere fact that it's powered by fear and escalating emotions. This is why thinking negatively about the situation will only heighten the pace of the adrenaline to attack up into your system. Picture something positive and retain that image through the ordeal.
3. Use a "Safe" Word.
This is essentially using a "coping mechanism" to trick your brain into relaxing itself. This is much like assuring yourself. Since at this point you'll be going through an episode of being afraid, you'll need to cope. Saying something like "I am going to be fine, this isn't going to destroy me." or "I will get through this!" can help in diverting your attentions to more positive inclinations.
4. Accept
Validate to yourself that you are afraid. It is a natural reaction that you should feel to keep you from harm. To acknowledge that you are afraid is to realize that you are a human being; however there is a fine line about professing that fear is a natural emotion and encouraging it, so be careful.
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