If you are looking for ways of combating panic attack disorder it is already a good sign as this means that you perceive panic disorder to be your enemy and something which is detrimental to your lifestyle and quality of life.
Having this type of mentality will help you greatly in your fight against panic attack disorder, but all you need now is to adopt the attitude of actually eradicating the enemy where it stems from instead of simply fighting off its attacks as they take place.
To be able to effectively be able to take on the enemy at its origin, one first needs to determine the origin and in the case an attack disorder this place is deep within your subconscious mind and it is very well guarded by the conscious mind so what one needs to do is find a way to bypass the conscious mind so as to be able to rid yourself of the enemy in the subconscious mind which is actually responsible for the attacks.
The best weapons of choice when it comes to being able to do this come in the form of treatments such as brainwave programmer, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy or meditation which have all been proven to be very effective in combating panic disorder.
All of these treatments have the same goal, to be able to grant the individual access to the subconscious mind so as to be able to correct incorrect programming which is resulting in the incorrect signals being sent to the nervous system when confronted by certain situations or stimuli which then triggers the anxiety or panic attacks.
This is the only true way to be able to combat and defeat anxiety or panic attack disorder for so long as you have not effectively removed the cause of the disorder it will always remain and return should you choose only to treat the symptoms and not eradicate the cause.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4695221
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