Natural Cures For Panic And Anxiety Attacks

Did you know that panic and anxiety attacks can occur without any warning? For some people, a stressful or traumatic incident as a child can trigger a panic attack. However some people experience extreme anxiety and stress and due to this they are unable to think or function normally.
Natural cures and remedies can prove to be a more effective treatment for panic and anxiety attacks due to several reasons. First, all the side effects from a natural remedy are far greater than taking medication or prescription drugs. This method is less expensive and has great long term benefits for the sufferer, while not causing any dependency or addiction to the medication.
Several techniques can be used to reduce the intensity and the frequency of panic attacks, and these include:
Breathing Techniques
When a patient is suffering from a panic or anxiety attack and has difficulty breathing. He or she may be provided with a brown paper bag to reduce hyperventilation, however this usually makes the situation worse as the person may suffer from an asthma or heart attack due to the lack of oxygen in their bloodstream. In many cases, it seems to make a difference to the person who is suffering as it is due to the placebo effect - it is all in their mind. Instead he or she should breathe deeply, inhale and exhale until they are relaxed.
A panic attack is an overexertion of the body's normal response to fear, stress or excitement. When faced with a life threatening or dangerous situation the body gears itself up for danger by producing large quantities of adrenalin for 'fight or flight'. This would have helped our cave dwelling ancestors to fight or run away from danger. If you suffer from panic and anxiety attacks try to take control and do some physical activity as this can help to ride of the panic or anxiety attack.
Herbal Medication
In addition to cognitive based therapy, exercise and breathing techniques combined can have a tremendous effect and it can be a very effective tool against panic attacks. Using herbal medication instead of prescription drugs can help to strengthen the body and make you feel better. For instance, certain herbs can help to make you feel more relaxed and peaceful. Chamomile can be used to relax the muscles and the nervous system. Lemon balm, a mild sedative, and oat straw can also be used to alleviate your symptoms. Taking lemon balm can help to combat stress and it helps you to relax. Oat straw can help your nervous system to get rid of symptoms that may trigger a panic attack.
Did you know that meditation can help to reduce anxiety greatly and to live in the present moment more fully. There are many benefits to meditation as it can help to
decrease your heart rate and blood pressure, as well reduce muscular tension and provide relief from the brief respite of a panic attack. By learning to control your breathing, a sufferer can easily overcome the breathlessness that occurs during a panic or anxiety attack.
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