Overcoming Panic Disorder Without Medication

Someone seeking help in overcoming panic disorder without medication posted this on Yahoo Answers:
"I have been diagnosed with Panic Disorder, and the psychiatrist put me on Lexapro, while saying people get over this without medication...I don't want to have to rely on medication for the rest of my life, and I'm getting the sexual side effects...has anyone has overcome this without medication?"
Overcoming panic disorder without medication is certainly possible and many have succeeded. Certainly the sexual side effects of medication can further decrease quality of life. If you suffer from panic disorder and you want to find out how to get free of this crippling condition without medication, then this article will help you.
  1. Become aware of negative thinking - Panic Disorder causes a general distress that leads to a negative outlook on life. An essential part of healing is taking back your life from these negative thoughts. Keep a little notebook to record your positive moments, and when you feel the negative thoughts coming forward, learn to counter them with thoughts of one of your happy moments.
  2. Be patient and kind with yourself - as you would with any friend of yours, if they told you they were suffering such a problem. Instead of passing judgment on yourself, honor the reality of your condition. Only then can you begin to heal. Suppression and denial will only prolong the time before you take steps to overcome this.
  3. Learn to identify your stressful triggers. Again, keep a little notebook. Note when you are in a situation you find distressing and write a little about it. Then you can be aware when you are getting into a situation that may be triggering. It might be possible for you to make some lifestyle changes that will help you avoid triggering. For example, many people choose to avoid the evening news, understanding that more often, it just adds to our despair and worry.
  4. Eliminate Caffeine. Caffeine can raise heart rate, a symptom you can associate with a panic attack. Sometimes just the anticipation of a panic attack can raise the level of anxiety.
  5. Yogic Breathing - When you find yourself in a triggering situation, try this. Slowly inhale through your nose, then slowly and fully exhale through your mouth. Be sure to use your diaphragm. Do this several times and your should feel your heart and body calming. Breathing slowly will stop you from hyperventilating, which can cause physical symptoms that feel like panic. Slow is key.
  6. Be Open with Others. Do not allow shame to become part of the condition. Shame and embarrassment are stressful by themselves. Talk over your problem with a trusted listener. Research has proven that social isolation and secrecy will only intensify your distress.
  7. Find A Proven Self Help Method. There are excellent resources for self-help from which others have achieved lasting relief. Both bookstores and the Internet can provide you with good information so you can make a good choice. Look at what users have to say about their experiences. If the method has a good track record, then that particular self-help method can be a very effective route when you have chosen to overcome panic disorder without medication.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5159930

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